The Information Technology Centre
The institute has always given priority for up-gradation of IT facilities. Regular updating is done in facilities at institute level as well as department level. The description of the same is provided below.
Internet Connection: The institute regularly updates the internet connection every year and as of now, the available internet bandwidth is 100 MBPS provided by Fastway.
No. of Systems: Institution has a total of 100 computers for students & staff.
Wifi Facility: Institution has provided 6 Nos Sophos Access point in and around campus for all staffs and students.
Networking Peripherals: Institution has networking switch provided by DLINK of speed 100 MBPS.
Licensed version of OS: The institute has licence copies of Windows Operating System and also works with open-source operating systems like Ubuntu OS and other software tools.
I/O Devices: The institute purchases printers as per the requirements given by the departments. The institute has 6 laser printers & 1 colour printer.
Media Lab/Video Lecture making Facility: The institute has a well-equipped media lab where faculties can prepare their video lectures. This has been very useful during the initial phases of pandemic.
LCD Projectors: Upgrading of IT is seen in the teaching learning process, The institute has LCD projectors.
ERP System: The institute is also in the process of automating all its manual work in various departments like Accounts, Administration, Library, Admission, Record room etc. via Schoolpad package fromSchoolpad Technology Pvt Ltd.. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an online portal and mobile app that enables Parents / Students / Staff access to information regarding the student’s progress in the college.
- * The college has 09 CCTV cameras installed on different locations for the safety and security of the students, staff and for safeguarding the infrastructure.
- * The Biometric Machine has been available since 2017 for recording the attendance of the staff.
- * The college has 01 (65 KVA) generators in the campus.
- * The computers have a UPS facility for the power backup.
- * A licensed copy of antivirus is installed on few computer systems to ensure cyber security.
- * A signage board has been installed in 2022-23 for important information and awareness of the students.
- * Specific websites have been blocked with Internet access management software.