
General Rules

  1. Conduct not conducive to the proper use of the library is forbidden.
  2. Noise, disturbance or unruly behaviour is forbidden in any part of the library.
  3. Smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  4. Silence shall be observed in the public areas of the library.
  5. Mobile phones and watch alarms should be switched off before entering the library.
  6. Users of the library should be decently dressed.
  7. Loitering in the library is prohibited.
  8. Library materials must not be taken out of the library unless a Library staff has properly issued them.
  9. All books and personal belongings must be shown to the staff at the library exits whenever required to do so.
  10. No bag, case, umbrella, personal book, CD-ROM, or Memory Card should be brought into the Library.
  11. They should be deposited at the property counter at one’s own risk.
  12. Library membership cards are not transferable and must be produced whenever requested by Library staff.
  13. Library membership cards, when lost, must be reported immediately in person or by telephone to the Circulation Section.
  14. A lost library card may be replaced by a fee of Rs. 50/- along with an undertaking that the member concerned will be responsible for any book taken on the library card.
  15. Mutilation and theft of library materials are offences punishable by law.
  16. Appropriate action will be taken by the library against offenders.
  17. Library books and documents must be treated with honour, so that it is prohibited to underline, write notes or pull out pages there from.
  18. All dues to the library must be paid.
  19. The library will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users.
  20. The members should inform the library their new designations, official addresses and addresses of communication as and when they move to new assignments or locations.
  21. Following consultation, books should be left on the tables for the library staff to re-shelve them.
  22. The library staff has the right to ask users to leave the library if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing a disturbance.
  23. The library staff has the right to ask a non-member to leave the library.